fabri de magia

a grimoire on software development & design

Center an ImageView inside a parent View in Titanium

As I was beginning my journey with Titanium, one of the hurdles I faced was centering an image. I wanted something that is similar to background-size: cover; in CSS where the image will be maxed out in the parent container while still retaining the image’s aspect ratio. Since I can’t find a built-in solution, I created one myself.

 * Center a Titanium.UI.ImageView inside a parent Titanium.UI.View
 *     similar to a `background-size: cover;` in CSS.
 * Takes 3 parameters: imageRatio, parentView, and imageView
 * imageRatio:
 *     an object with the ratio or actual dimension of the image to be placed in the ImageView.
 *     e.g. {width: 3, height: 2}
 * parentView:
 *     an object that defines the container where the ImageView is placed. This sets the boundaries
 *     or clipping size for the ImageView. Can be a View or a simple object.
 *     e.g. {width: 500, height: 500}
 * imageView:
 *     the ImageView object to be centered in a parent View.
 *     e.g. $.imgViewThumb
var centerImageView = function(imageRatio, parentView, imageView) {
    var h1, w1, h2, w2, x1, x2;

    h1 = parseFloat(parentView.height);
    w1 = parseFloat(parentView.width);
    h2 = parseFloat(imageView.height);
    w2 = parseFloat(imageView.width);

    if (imageRatio.width > imageRatio.height) {
        h2 = h1;
        w2 = (imageRatio.width * h2) / imageRatio.height;
    } else {
        w2 = w1;
        h2 = (imageRatio.height * w2) / imageRatio.width;
    x1 = -((w2 * 0.5) - (w1 * 0.5));
    x2 = -((h2 * 0.5) - (h1 * 0.5));

    imageView.height = h2;
    imageView.width = w2;
    imageView.left = x1;
    imageView.top = x2;

The centerImageView function stretches the image’s smaller side to fit the parent container, and recalculates the height and width so that it will retain it’s aspect ratio.

var win, parentView, imageView;
var initView;

// copy the centerImageView code here

initView = function() {
    win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
        backgroundColor: "#cccccc"
    parentView = Ti.UI.createView({
        height: Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformHeight,
        width: Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth,
        borderRadius: 0
    imageView = Ti.UI.createImageView({
        image: "/images/my_image.jpg"

    // we assume here that the image has a dimension of 600x400, therefore the ratio is 3:2.
    // then you can pass {width: 3, height: 2} or {width: 600, height: 400} as the first argument.
    // you can also call this after postlayout if you don't know the dimension of the image.
    // you can then pass the imageView itself as the first argument.
        width: 3,
        height: 2
    }, parentView, imageView);




As the saying goes, if there is a wall, we’ll break it. If there isn’t a path, we’ll make one with our hands!